Goed mis : kwaliteit van de Rijopleiding, de Instructeursopleiding en WRM-applicatie, en de consequenties voor met name beginnende bestuurders.

Voerman, J.

In this report, a great deal of criticism is made of the design and inherent quality of the present driver training and, to a lesser extent, that of the new Driver Training in Steps (RIS). This criticism applies less to the current Driving Instructor Training, including the sanctioned Motor Vehicle Driving Instruction Act (WRM) application test and the preparatory courses. As far as this last is concerned, apart from criticism of the inherent aspect, strong criticism of the quality of the implementation is possible and, as an continuation of this, the quality of teachers in the instructors' course. In addition, a number of critical notes are made of matters such as: The information concerning distance keeping, both inside and outside of the driving course; The use of the driving simulator in research and in the driving course; and the role, especially, of researchers, graduates, and education experts.

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C 24838 [electronic version only]

Maurik, RijRelaxed Nederland, 2003, 67 p.

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