Going dutch.

Mathew, D.

In this article, Dutch initiatives to restrain traffic growth are described. Nationally, transport planning is part of the Dutch National Enviroment Policy Plan. A short term aim of the plan is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and those of other pollutants by 75% within ten years. Substantial model shifts in transport use are planned, through encouraging use of bicycles for trips in the 5km-10km range, increased public transport provision and electronic road pricing schemes for major cities, such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague and Utrecht. A broad coalition group Wijs op Weg (Travelling Clean) has produced a report 'The Netherlands Travelling Clean' which may further radiacalise these initiatives. It is envisaged in the report that car mileage would fall from 83% to 27% of trips made. For related work see B 29085.

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C 2932 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 829490

Surveyor, Vol. 173 (1990), No. 5090 (12 April), p. 14-15

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