Going round the bend? : slow down.

Clark, M.

Motorists driving inappropriately around bends is one of the biggest single contributors to fatal and injury crashes in the Central Tablelands Area of NSW. The Tablelands Area Road Safety Program has addressed this issue in campaigns for the last two years. The combination of education and enforcement by many stakeholders has seen a decrease in the number of crashes attributed to driving too fast around bends. However, there is still a lot to do and local stakeholders are planning a new campaign for 2002/3003 called "Going Around the Bend? Slow Down". It will also link in with the current RTA message "8 out of 10 speeding deaths occur on bends" and project components to obtain that same message. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract No. E208290.

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C 27216 (In: C 27215 CD-ROM) /73 /83 / ITRD E208291

In: Building on success - making new gains : proceedings of the 6th Local Government Road Safety Conference, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 6-9 August, 2002, 3 p.

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