Government and community hand-in-hand [child road safety]

Negus, G. Stead, G. Edwards, J.

The Motor Accidents Authority (MAA) and Kidsafe NSW have worked in partnership on a number of projects and continue to contribute to child road safety at local and state levels. Combining the Motor Accidents Authority's core business interest in road safety and Kidsafe's core business in child safety, this partnership conducts research and implements strategies to address child road safety issues and countermeasures. Recent joint ventures include the Child Pedestrian Safety In Communities Project, consisting of the "kids need a hand in traffic" media campaign, community grants, a website and resource development, and the Child Road Safety Initiative, addressing child passenger, pedestrian, and pedal cyclist safety issues. Input from key stakeholders, through consultation and collaboration, has been a critical component to the efficiency and effectiveness of strategies, with projects building from previous lessons. Successes and challenges will be discussed from both partnership and project perspectives and provide insight into experience with meaningful partnerships. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210298.

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C 29194 (In: C 29121 CD-ROM) /10 /83 / ITRD E210451

In: Proceedings of the 2003 Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2003, Sydney, Australia, 24-26 September 2003, Pp

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