Green heavy duty engine (GREEN).

Jobson, E.

The development of HD engines undergoes a rapid step in its evolution. Increased demand for fuel efficiency, emissions and global competition are driving forces. The HD (Heavy-Duty) engines operate under constraints much more severe than those of passenger cars such as higher durability (more than 600.000 km) of the engine and of the related aftertreatment, higher mechanical and thermal stress of the engine (heavier load factor), higher pressure on reliability (up-time), investment and fuel economy .The above constraints characterize the HD engines for their more general applications: not only trucks and urban vehicles but also the rail traction and the inland waterway vessels of the directive 2002/765. New technologies will help us meeting future emission and fuel consumption targets by: a new combustion process enabled by variable components; new control strategies, considering the engine and the exhaust aftertreatment as ONE system; considering sustainable fuels. The main objective of GREEN is to perform research leading to sub-systems for a heavy-duty engine. The objectives should be achieved with strict boundary conditions for: i) a competitive cost base, ii) highest fuel conversion efficiency of the Diesel cycle, to achieve near-zero real world, including off-cycle, pollutant emissions and significant reduction of CO2 and other green house gases. The project put emphasis on diesel engines for trucks and rail applications and on natural gas engines for city transport applications. The combination of innovation and durability is strongly supported. The research targets have been chosen to look beyond all legislation known today. Targeting possible sharpening after year 2010 with focus on near zero real world emission (for Diesel NOx 0.5 g/kWh, PM 0.002 g/kWh, ETC Cycle BSFC = 204 g/kWh and for natural gas corresponding targets are set) (A). Only abstract (as above) is available from the conference proceedings. For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E212343.

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C 47571 (In: C 47458 CD-ROM) /15 /91 / ITRD E216809

In: Greener, safer and smarter road transport for Europe : proceedings of TRA - Transport Research Arena Europe 2006, Göteborg, Sweden, June 12th-15th 2006, 1 p.

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