The "green light" Commercial Vehicle Operations CVO project.

Krukar, M. Evert, K.R. & Bergan, A.T.

Important changes in transportation are coming in the next five to ten years which will affect travel time and the costs of shipping goods. Advances in transportation technology will speed freight through satellite tracking, two-way communications, on-board computers, weigh-in-motion systems, automatic vehicle identification and other electronic systems. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has been testing several of these technologies since 1983. The result has been the completion and approval of the Intelligent Vehicle System Strategic Plan for Commercial Vehicle Operations (IVHS/CVO). The purpose of this plan is to develop and deploy advanced technology, to improve the efficiency of commercial vehicle operations, to increase the performance of the highway system and protect the public investment in our infrastructure. This paper will describe these new technologies. (A)

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C 8731 (In: C 8665 e) /10 /91 / IRRD 872611

In: Transportation : total customer satisfaction : proceedings of the 1995 Transportation Association of Canada TAC annual conference, Victoria, British Columbia, October 22-25, 1995, Volume 5, p. B63-B83, 5 ref.

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