Green light for ISA? : the effect of intelligent speed adaptation on the traffic flow.

Hegeman, G.

Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) is a system that limits vehicles at the speed limit. Research in Sweden, England and the Netherlands has shown that it has a positive impact on safety. The current study compares traffic flows under ISA with those in the presence of regular traffic lights. The model results show that ISA is able to replace traffic lights at crossroads with a clear major flow. This important positive effect will improve the support for ISA, which was originally designed for safety reasons. For the covering abstract see ITRD E123876.

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C 33825 (In: C 33811) [electronic version only] /72 /91 /71 / ITRD E123890

In: Proceedings of the ICTCT Workshop on Intelligent Speed Adaptation held Nagoya, Japan, May 2002, p. 141-147, 9 ref.

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