Greenhouse gas mitigation supply curve for the United States for transport versus other sectors.

Lutsey, N. & Sperling, D.

To compare transportation greenhouse gas mitigation options with other sectors, we construct greenhouse gas mitigation supply curves of near-term technologies for all the major sectors of the US economy. Our findings indicate that motor vehicles and fuels are attractive candidates for reducing GHGs in the near and medium term. Transport technologies and fuels represent about half of the GHG mitigation options that have net-positive benefits so-called no regrets strategies and about 20% of the most cost-effective options to reduce GHGs to 10% below 1990 levels by 2030. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E141717 /15 / ITRD E141717

Transportation Research Part D. 2009 /05. 14(3) Pp222-229 (57 Refs.)

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