Grenzen aan de groei : de stadsplattegrond als 'ontwerpers esperanto'.

Hal, E. van & Bach, B.

Environmental capacity limits : arterial traffic on urban axis. The intensity of car traffic on city traffic systems is high and expectations are that for the time being, this will keep on increasing. However, the stretching of city arteries has its limitations. To avoid exceeding these limits and, even better, to "optimize urban livability per situation", consumers, designers and decision makers should be equally involved. It is not so much compromise that counts, but a socially assessed improvement in the livability and mobility along the so called "City axes". To achieve these optimal effects, this paper provides new design tools and describes a matching interdisciplinary plan process. It also states that the "town map can be used as a means of communication that can be compared with the international language "Esperanto". By applying these design tools, the environmental quality, functionality and circulation of traffic can be seen as equivalent factors. Consider the town map to be your basis. When decisions have to be made, go back to a higher scale level and determine your priorities. Lay down the established values in mutual coherent policy frameworks and plans. (Author/publisher)

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20031588 c16 ST (In: ST 20031588 [electronic version only])

In: No pay, no queue ? : oplossingen voor bereikbaarheidsproblemen in steden : 30ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Antwerpen, 20 en 21 november 2003, deel 3, p. 1047-1068, 4 ref.

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