Group composition and driver minority status.

Kelly-Baker, T.

Driver and passengers' BACs were examined among homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. Results indicate that drivers in heterogeneous groups (mixed sex) have significantly lower BACs than drivers in homogeneous groups (all female or male). Interestingly, passengers in heterogeneous groups have higher BACs than those in homogeneous groups. This is contrary to past findings on group drinking behavior which indicate that all-male groups are more likely than either all-female or mixed groups to drink higher in amounts. (Abstract only) (Author/publisher) For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD Abstract No. E201067.

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C 28083 (In: C 28028) /83 / ITRD E211184 (also at CD-ROM C 27890/C27945/C28028)

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety : proceedings of the 16th ICADTS International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety T'2002, Montreal, Canada, August 4-9, 2002, Volume 3, p. 1157

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