Group discussion techniques for driver education.

Sawers, K.T.

Many authorities firmly believe that discussion techniques hold the key to the development of desirable attitudes for safe operation of motor vehicles. Such techniques are at least considered equal to the task of creating and appreciation of the specific problems of traffic safety. This publication the outcome of a doctoral study at the Centre for Safety Education, New York University, summarizes essential requirements for effective group discussion and then outlines a series of important discussion topics and procedures as a guide to teachers of driver education. These were developed through acceptable research process described in the original described in the original dissertation. The material should therefore provide a valuable resource for instructors. While consideration was originally given to the needs of high school classes in driver education. there is a reason to believe that the material can readily be adapted for use with adult education groups generally and chronic violator groups in particular. Thus, civic and fraternal organizations, law enforcement agencies and safety councils, for example, may well find this publication as helpful as school systems. The urgency of the national traffic safety problem warrants extended effort through education and re-educational measures, such as group discussion, as well as in other approaches to accident prevention.

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Center for Safety Education, 1961; Research Contributions to Accident Prevention, Second Series, No. 1

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