Guaranteed ride home programmes : een draaiboek voor pilot-projecten. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal voor het Vervoer DGV, Directie Individueel Personenvervoer DGV-IP.

Borgers, A. & Timmermans, H.

To reduce the use of the private car, other means of transportation should be stimulated. This can be done by, amongst other measures, introducing so-called guaranteed ride home programmes. A guaranteed ride home programme is an arrangement to guarantee employees back-up transportation in case of an emergency. The effects of guaranteed ride home programmes in The Netherlands are not known. For this reason, the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Public Works decided to start guaranteed ride home pilot projects. This report is meant as a basis for these pilot projects. Aspects of guaranteed ride home programmes and aspects concerning research on the effects of the programmes are considered. The appendix contains examples of application forms, surveys, schemes of analysis, etc.

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960726 ST [electronic version only]

Eindhoven, European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies EIRASS, 1995, 21 p., 2 ref. - ISBN 90-386-0296-0

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