Guide to road profile unevenness and bridge damage.

Heywood, R. Prem, H. & McLean, J.

This report details guidelines of the critical road and vehicle-related factors that influence dynamic loading of bridges and provides advice as to how to identify, quantify and repair the uneven road profiles that are damaging to bridges and the heavy vehicles themselves. Additionally, the report summarises existing approaches and presents new methods of road profile analysis that are focused specifically on damage to bridges, but that can also be applied to pavements. Advice is provided on how to identify, quantify and repair the uneven road profiles that are damaging to bridges, pavements and the heavy vehicles that use them. The report summarises existing approaches and presents new methods of road profile analysis that are focused on damage to bridges and pavements as well as ride quality. The guide focuses on the damaging aspects of unevenness rather than the ride quality aspects of unevenness. (Author/publisher)

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C 22691 [electronic version only] /22 /24 / ITRD E206123

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2002, 33 p., 43 ref.; AP-T13/02 - ISBN 0-85588-604-8

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