Guide to traffic engineering practice. Part 7: traffic signals.

Akcelik, R. (ed.)

This guide provides a comprehensive coverage of traffic surveys, analysis, layout, design, traffic management and road safety standards and practices in Australia. To date, 15 parts of the guide have been published. Part 7 Traffic Signals (2003) is a major revision of the 1993 publication. It incorporates the latest practice in the safe and efficient design of traffic signal installations. It presents detailed information and provides guidelines on collection of design data, geometric elements, signal system and components, signal face layouts and display sequences, signal phasing, location of signal equipment, traffic detection, signal controllers, pavement markings, signs, electrical design, co-ordination of traffic signals, installation checks and maintenance, and special applications including advanced warning signals, emergency vehicle facilities, public transport priority, bicycle facilities, roundabout metering signals, ramp-metering signals, special intersection treatments, overhead lane-control signals, single-lane operation and portable signals, left turn on red, and metering signals at sign-controlled intersections. (Author/publisher)

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C 28100 /73 / ITRD E209590

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2003, XXV + 158 p., 122 ref.; 3rd edition; AP-G11.7/03 - ISBN 0-85588-622-6

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