Guide to traffic management. Part 11: Parking.

Damen, P. & Huband, A.

The Austroads Guide to Traffic Management has 13 parts and provides a comprehensive coverage of traffic management guidance for practitioners involved in traffic engineering, road design and road safety. Part 11 - Parking is concerned with the parking management process. It provides guidance for planners and engineers to ensure that parking is provided in a safe and efficient manner, and with due regard to considerations of access to, and the impact on, the wider road and transport system. Part 11 presents guidelines for determining the demand for, and supply of, parking and it provides a parking policy framework - how the demand should be addressed. The implementation of on-street and off-street parking for all road users including parking controls in urban centres is addressed, as is parking on rural roads and at park-and-ride facilities. Finally, electronic parking guidance systems and signs are also described. (a).

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C 46476 [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E216329

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2008, VI + 142 p., ref.; AGTM11/08 - ISBN 978-1-921551-45-6

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