Guided corridor development for sustainable urban transport.

Rana, P.S.

The rail-based systems in urban areas are highly capital intensive and the cost is much higher than road-based systems in the early stages. However, when the traffic volume along a particular corridor increases, the cost for road based systems increases exponentially. Establishing a fresh set of rail based infrastructure, although more efficient than any road based solution, is highly capital intensive and involves large amounts of difficult land acquisition. On the other hand, if existing rail corridors were utilised for guiding future urban development, the system would be efficient as well as cost effective. National Capital Region in India provides an opportunity to utilise the existing railway lines. This available infrastructure and its potential can be exploited to the maximum extent. Various corridors with high growth potential can be prioritised and the one with highest potential can be prepared for future urbanisation. Even one corridor fully developed on these lines can take care of future urbanisation of the capital city of Delhi. The corridor consisting of railway, pipeline, highway, H. T. power line and communication lines would form the infrastructure spine. For the covering abstract see ITRD E128239.

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C 35549 (In: C 35524 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E128264

In: Urban transport VIII : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Urban Transport and The Environment in the 21st Century, Seville, Spain, 13-15 March 2002, p. 249-258

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