Guidelines for community input in setting level of service and intervention standards for road networks.

Grove, R. Mihai, F. Appleby, P. Bishop, M. Eckeroth, K. & Shepherd, P.

This report contains guidelines describing a typical community consultation process, and its application to the asset management task of defining suitable levels of service and target or intervention standards for configuration, condition, and performance of an existing road network. The community consultation process described in this report has five distinct phases, from initial planning to implementation and review of the outcomes. The guidelines are intended to form a basis for a road agency to ascertain the expectations of local communities for a road network and contain two questionnaires used in recent community surveys in Australia and New Zealand. To define suitable levels of service and target standards, stakeholders express their requirements of the network. Stakeholder requirements for each road category are then translated into engineering terms to produce a framework by which road-related assets can be managed. (Author/publisher)

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C 24887 [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E206241

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2002, 73 p., 12 ref.; AP-R201/02 - ISBN 0-85588-620-X

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