Guidelines for developing local demand management or trip reduction policies.

Higgins, T.J.

Local governments are increasingly turning to demand management or trip reduction strategies, policies, and programs to combat traffic congestion. Using various policy instruments, localities are encouraging employers and developers to implement transportation systems management (TSM) and parking management strategies. These strategies include encouraging use of transit, carpooling, bicycling, walking, and flextime. However, still other measures include reduced employer subsidies for employee parking, tightening of maximum parking requirements of zoning codes, reduced parking requirements in return for implementation of TSM strategies, and other measures to reduce solo driving. Recommendations are made to local government decision makers and planners on the adoption and implementation of demand management or trip reduction policy instruments, including: (a) recommendations about when demand management and trip reduction strategies and policies are appropriate to consider; (b) considerations in selecting trip reduction or demand management policy instruments, including ordinances, developer agreements, special permits, and parking code requirements; (c) suggestions on the design of particular policies, including application of requirements, specificity of requirements, uniformity and astringency of goals, and use of exemptions; and (d) guidance on program monitoring, enforcement, management, costs, and timelines for program development.

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C 25275 (In: C 25273 S) /72 / IRRD 843939

In: Transportation management, high occupancy vehicles HOV systems, and geometric design and effects, Transportation Research Record TRR 1280, p. 11-21, 14 ref.

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