Guidelines for estimating the cost of road crashes in developing countries - final report

Transport Research Laboratory TRL & Babtie Ross Silcock

Previously, little work on road safety in developing countries has been directed specifically towards the poor, despite the fact that the poor are over-represented in crashes. There was also a lack of knowledge on the effects of crashes on the poor. This project has attempted to address this lack of knowledge through household surveys of low-income communities in the case study countries. The project has culminated in these guidelines, which are intended to be a useful aid to those undertaking a crash costing exercise in a developing country, perhaps for the first time. It also highlights a number of key issues, such as the wider effects of crashes on low-income households for decision makers and those more experience in crash costing.

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C 45816 [electronic version only] /80 / ITRD E139988

London, Department For International Development, 2003, 49 p., 44 ref.; Project R7780

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