H-ISP : a hybrid inflator simulation program.

Kang, J. & Wang, J.T.

A hybrid-inflator simulation program (H-ISP) has been developed to facilitate the evaluation of hybrid inflators for airbag systems. Based on fundamental principles of species mass and energy conservation and gas dynamics, this program can simulate the complex thermochemical processes of a hybrid inflator, including solid propellant combustion, single-phase or two-phase flow, multiple chemical species with temperature- and composition-dependent thermal properties, and heat transfer phenomena. This paper presents the theory, computer program structure, and usage of H-ISP with an example. (A)

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C 14894 (In: C 14877) /91 / IRRD E201725

In: Air bag technology 1999 : papers presented at the 1999 SAE International Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, March 1-4, 1999, SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-1069, p. 137-146, 10 ref.

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