Hampton caught.

Sirota, S.

Every major metropolitan area in the USA has a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). MPOs are responsible for developing a transportation improvement plan to guide investment in transportation infrastructure. Many MPOs survey average travel speeds in the region during peak travel periods to measure congestion. The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC), which represents the Tidewater region of Virginia, has introduced a system based on global positioning system (GPS) and geographical information system (GIS) technology to streamline congestion data collection. PB Farradyne was awarded the contract to develop the system. The GPS component is Trimble Pro-XR. The system uses satellites to record the position, speed and direction of the vehicle. The data is imported into Arcview, the GIS system for further processing. For the covering abstract see ITRD E115762.

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C 24725 (In: C 24715) /10 /72 / ITRD E115772

In: Traffic technology international 2002 : the 2002 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 58-60

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