Hand-transmitted vibration from the steering wheel to drivers of a small four-wheel drive tractor.

Goglia, V. Gospodaric, Z. Kosutic, S. & Filipovic, D.

The paper presents research results of the vibration transmitted from the steering wheel of the small tractor with a 4-wheel drive to the driver's hands. The vibration measurements were carried out on the tractor randomly chosen from the producer's storehouse. Before testing the tractor was examined and adjusted following the producer's recommendations. The vibration levels were measured at idling and at full load. The vibration level on the steering wheel was measured and analysed and the frequency spectra for the chosen working conditions were obtained. The frequency-weighted acceleration, given in m/s(super -2), was calculated. The vibration total value was defined as the root-mean-square of the three component values. The obtained values are graphically represented in accordance with ISO/DIS 5349-1979 and ISO 5349-1-2001. The vibration exposure for the predicted 10% prevalence of vibration-induced white finger in accordance with Annex C of the same standard was also tested. (Author/publisher)

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C 24788 [electronic version only] /91 / ITRD E116166

Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 34 (2003), No. 1 (January), p. 45-49, 4 ref.

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