Handbook of transport and the environment.

Hensher, D.A. & Button, K.J. (eds.)

This handbook considers all aspects of the interaction between transport and the environment. The topics covered include: environmental concepts, both physical and economic; climate change; air quality; carbon dioxide emissions; noise; health; safety: amenity and severance; the role of fuel sources and new technology in reducing environmental externalities; the contribution of each transport sector (buses, urban public transport, aviation, water-borne transport and rail-bound transport) to energy consumption and emissions; environmental impact assessment for sustainable transport; appraisal, valuation, and impacts of externalities; case studies; institutional and political settings and policies; the role of environmental legislation; emissions trading; and special topics such as tourism, public attitudes, logistics, transport of hazardous goods, travel behaviour, demand management, and gender.

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C 30159 /15 /72 /10 / ITRD E121650

Oxford [etc.], Elsevier Ltd The Boulevard, 2003, XXV + 827 p., 971 ref.; Handbooks in Transport ; No. 4 - ISSN 1472-7889 / ISBN 0-08-044103-3

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