Harmonisation of pilot and escort vehicle driver requirements.

Advantia Transport Consulting Group

This report presents the current situation for pilot and escort vehicle drivers in Australian jurisdictions, and proposes a nationally harmonised approach. This approach was developed in consultation with jurisdictional stakeholders through workshops and face-to-face meetings. It is intended that, ultimately, both the accreditation scheme and the operational guideline will be called-up by the Heavy Vehicle National Law, and that the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator will play a central role in administering the accreditation scheme. Transitional arrangements have been proposed, whereby the status quo will be retained until such time as the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator is in a position to commence the scheme. Upon commencement, an approach has been proposed for transitioning existing pilots and escorts into the national accreditation scheme. (Author/publisher)

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20131175 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2013, III + 84 p., 6 ref.; AUSTROADS Research Report AP-R439-13 - ISBN 978-1-925037-09-8

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