Haveriundersökningar : en litteraturstudie och en redo visning av haveriundersökningar av vägtrafikolyckor i de nordiska länderna.

Englund, A.

In the Nordic Road Safety Council's project Methods for the Collection and Presentation of Accident Data (MIRO) a literature survey has been performed concerning multidisciplinary investigations of road accidents. This study has been one of three sub-projects in the first phase of the MIRO-project. After an introductory, short histrical outline various aspects are presented concerning the design and performance of projects of multi-disciplinary accident investigations.

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B 14381 S /81/

Linköping, Statens Väg- och Trafikinstitut VTI, 1978, X + 151 p. + app., ref.; VTI Rapport No. 170.

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