Head injuries in moped and bicycle collisions : implications for bicycle helmet design.

Walz, F.H. Dubas, L. Burkart, F. & Kosik, D.

The effectiveness of crash helmet wearing for riders of heavy motorcycles is not a matter of serious discussion in the public. Wearing rates of up to 95% are usual. On the other hand, crash helmets are not very commonly seen with mopedists and the wearing of a helmet for a non-racing bicyclist seems to be out of discussion for most people. However, data on head injuries within the latter two categories strongly suggest the usage of suitable head gear. After a literature review on head injuries with light two-wheelers and helmets the results of three different in-depth studies with a total number of 940 cases (243 bicycle and 697 moped) are discussed.

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B 24286 (In: B 24280) /84/91/ IRRD 284793

In: Proceedings of the 1985 Internatonal IRCOBI / AAAM Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Göteborg, Sweden 24 June, 1985, p. 91-104, 9 fig., 2 tab., 17 ref,

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