The head- rest : a necessary safety : feature for modern passenger cars.

Weissner, R. & Ensslen, A.

Technical measures taken to increase passenger protection in vehicles refer to head-on, side-, rear-end-collisions and rollovers. This paper deals with a very small section of this broad spectrum of safety measures- namely the head-rest. The kinematics of passengers during a rear-end impact show that the head-rest-particularly during this type of collision - can prevent unendurable movements of the head relative to the upper body.

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B 24298 (In: B 24280) /91/ IRRD 284805

In: Proceedings of the 1985 Internatonal IRCOBI / AAAM Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Göteborg, Sweden 24 June, 1985, p. 269-276, 5 fig., 2 ref.

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