The Hearts and Minds Program

understanding HSE Health Safety and Environment culture. Paper presented at the 6th SPE International Conference on Health Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 20-22, 2002.
Hudson, P.T.W. Parker, D. Graaf, G.C. van de

The Hearts and Minds Program is intended to move the basis for HSE Health Safety and Environment performance past the mechanical implementation of HSE Management Systems. This paper describes an evolutionary approach to HSE culture and reports on a brochure that enables organisations and individuals to understand the HSE culture and their personal behaviours in the context of the culture. The paper gives examples of characterisations of organisational and personal behaviours and discusses how improvement can be generated and maintained in organisations. (Author/publisher)

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In: Proceedings of the 6th SPE International Conference on Health Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 20-22, 2002, 8 p., 17 ref.

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