Heavy trucks collisions 1994-1998.

Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation Directorate

This document reviews the number of collisions, vehicles involved, and casualties (fatalities and injuries) resulting from heavy truck collisions for each of straight trucks (greater than 4,536 kg) and tractor-trailers. The report also presents tables and charts showing the distribution of fatalities and injuries by type of heavy truck, and road user class, collisions by accident configuration, and discusses external factors relating to the collisions. While the causes of collisions cannot be determined from the Transport Canada database, Traffic Accident Information Database (TRAID), this report discusses some of the contributing factors. (A)

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C 30364 [electronic version only]

Montreal, Quebec, Transport Canada, 2001, 22 p.; Publication ; No. TP 2436 E / Fact Sheet ; RS 2001-05

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