Het analyseren van videobeelden van verkeersstromen met behulp van een microcomputer.

Mortelmans, J. & Venstermans, L.

Traffic data can be collected in many ways, e.g. by making use of video registration. In order to analyse video images by means of a microcomputer, two program packets have been developed, i.e. VIDEO and VOLG DAT VOERTUIG (track that vehicle). The VIDEO-packet distills a whole range of traffic data from the video images, e.g. time headways, waiting times, rates of flow, vehicle classification data, junction matrices, weaving data, queueing lengths, etc. The VOLG DAT VOERTUIG-packet offers the possibility to determine the vehicle speed (and vehicle acceleration) and to registrate and produce the track of the vehicle.

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841311 ST [electronic version only]

Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement Bouwkunde, Onderzoekseenheid voor Verkeerstechniek en Infrastructuur, 1984, 31 p., 11 ref.; Publikaties van de Eenheid ; No. 02

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