Het effect van motorvoertuigverlichting overdag MVO op de verkeersveiligheid in Nederland.

Lindeijer, J.E. & Wesemann, P. (red.)

By order of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research organised a one-day conference at the end of 1991 in order to formulate a scientific opinion to be supported as high as possible concerning the estimation of the effect of Daytime Running Lights (DRL) on traffic safety in the Netherlands. Similarities and differences in opinions of the participating institutes were presented in this report. In this respect, attention is paid to different aspects, such as: (1) the magnitude of the effect of DRL to be expected; (2) the position of slow traffic: cyclists and pedestrians; (3) the relation between rear end collisions and DRL; (4) the position of motorcyclists: (5) visual hindrance; (6) defective lighting and DRL; (7) dipped headlights or warning lights; and (8) compulsory use versus recommended DRL.


C 562 [electronic version only] /83 /91 / IRRD 853154

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1992, 13 + 20 p.; R-92-11


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