Het Engelse alternatief voor gop's: pelican crossings.

Hendriks, T. & Snoek, B. van der

The authors give a short introduction to the Dutch readers on the English pelican crossing and a comparison with English zebra crossings. They urge for further (Dutch) research into the effect which would result if the system were introduced in the Netherlands, where some crossings are controlled by means of push-button operated three-aspect traffic signals. Waiting times for motor car traffic can be considerable, especially when traffic is hold up for the crossing of only one or a few pedestrians.

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B 18378 T /85.3/ IRRD 254205

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 32 (1981), No. 3 (maart), p. 112-113, 1 fig., 2 graph., 3 tab.

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