Het gebruik door de politie van de optische en geluidssignalen.

Centrale Politie Verkeerscommissie, Subcommissie Wetgeving

In this article the Subcommittee Legislation of the Central Police Traffic Committee has collected and commenced on the regulations regarding the use of visual and/or sound signals by the drivers of police motor vehicles. Amongst other things, the Subcommittee recommends to put the decisions as regards the use visual and sound signals as much as possible in the hands of the commander of the guard. It is pointed out that the gain in time to be obtained in urban traffic is extremely slight. Attention should be paid to the proportion of the risk taken to the purpose intended.

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A 4625 fo /70.2 / IRRD 49975

Algemeen Politieblad, Vol. 118 (1969), No. 19 (20 september), p. 451-456

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