Het gebruik en effect van informatie : een schriftelijk vragenlijstonderzoek.

Akerboom, S.P.

A report is presented on questionnaire into the use and effect of (radio) traffic information. The questionnaire was sent in the different regions to the target groups: recreational road users, journey to work drivers and professional drivers. Most of them perceive the information positively depending on the topicality, the frequency and reliability. Provision of background information, advices and warnings are wanted. See also PB 28256.

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B 28258 /73 /83 / IRRD 820541

Leiden, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden RUL, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Werkgroep Veiligheid, 1988, 105 p., 12 ref.; Werkgroep Veiligheid R-88/26 - ISBN 90-5181-510-7

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