Het gebruik van retroreflecterende materialen in het wegverkeer. Bijdrage voor de Congresdag van de Nederlandse Stichting voor Verlichtingskunde NSvV "Signalering en verlichting van wegen", ter gelegenheid van Intertraffic 1988, Internationaal Congre...

Schreuder, D.A.

It is shown that retroreflectorized materials are excellent for increasing the visibility of obstacles and therefore that they can increase traffic safety. There is a great variety of reflectorized material available, and therefore a reasonable selection can be made for any application. There are, however, gaps in information about reflectorized materials. Due to this and also due to technical developments in the design and the fabrication of reflectorized materials, it often happens that very different specifications are formulated for similar applications. Also many of the (legal) specifications are much lower than can be obtained with the modern materials available now. It is therefore concluded: (1) to make functional specifications for the retroreflectorized materials for the different applications; (2) to classify retroflective materials in order to see if there are suitable materials for all applications; (3) to develop materials for application areas for which no materials are available at the moment; and (4) to make international accepted specifications for the light reflecting characteristics of retroflectors and reflectorized materials.


B 28156 [electronic version only] /73 /85 /91 / IRRD 819912

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1988, 46 p., 108 ref.; R-88-29


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