Het lokatiebeleid in de ruimtelijke ordeningspraktijk : verslag van een onderzoek naar instrumenten voor lokatiebeleid. In opdracht van het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Projectbureau Integrale Verkeers- en Vervoerstudies Pb IVVS.

Bosch, N. Hanemaayer, D. & Jansen, A.

By order of the Project Bureau for Integrated Transport Studies (Pb IVVS), a study was done into the possibilities for an enhancement of the application of instruments for spatial planning in order to improve peoples mobility. The results of the research were presented in November 1990, in the form of 30 proposals. The aim of this study is to further prioritize the proposals, and next to work them out. An account is given of the proposals prioritized concerning themes such as: (1) zoning plans, for instance: (a) the presentation of the total relationship of mobility to spatial planning, traffic and environment with clear examples; (b) making accessibility and mobility profiles operational; (2) test instruments regarding these schemes, for example: the realisation of elaborations of regional planning schemes stimulated by regional authorities; and (3) sectoral mobility tests, for instance: making a 'mobility-effect reporting' for mobility activities mandatory. On the basis of document studies and interviews (verbal and by telephone), developments in this area are presented.

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C 864 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 855448

's-Gravenhage, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Projectgroep Integrale Verkeers- en Vervoerstudies Pb IVVS / B&A Groep Beleidsonderzoek en -Advies BV, 1992, 137 p., 31 ref.

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