Het Nederlandse internationale beroepsgoederenvervoer over de weg en de Europese markt na 1992; meningen van vervoerders en verladers.

Rosenbrand, A. Smeenk, B. & Hilferink, P.B.D.

The year 1992 will create a larger market and more competition. In this article a study is described on the opinion of transport firms and shippers in this matter. The costs of the Dutch road haulage companies will be higher than the costs in most other countries, but the high quality of Dutch firms will keep them in competition.

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B 30423 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 833019

Tijdschrift voor Vervoerswetenschap, Vol. 26 (1990), No. 2, p. 195-206, 5 ref.

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