Het rijgedrag van motorrijders op verschillende wegdekken.

Blaauw, G.J. & Gouthelp, J.

The risk of aquaplaning and skidding can be reduced by roughing up or trenching the road surface. It is questionable, however, to what extent these treatments may influence the riding behaviour of motor cyclists in a negative way. In this study therefore motorcycling on trenched and roughed up road surfaces was compared with riding on other "control" road surfaces. The results lead to the following conclusions: (1) trenched and roughed up road surfaces may indeed have a negative influence on the riding behaviour of motor cyclists and (2) differences in the seize of the trenches cause different effects: narrow trenches at short intervals hardly have any influence.

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B 13354 T /82/83/ IRRD 233193

Verkeerskunde,Vol. 29 (1978), No. 3 (maart), p. 119-123, 7 fig., 3 graph., 2 tab., 7 ref.

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