Het snelheidsgedrag in Vlaams-Brabant : resultaten van het proefproject "gedragsmeting snelheid".

Vanlaar, W

In 1998, the Belgian Institute for Road Safety (BIVV), in co-operating with the gendarmerie and local police authorities, introduced the first behavioural survey on "driving under the influence of alcohol". A representative survey of driving behaviour is important because it allows us to formulate more justified police proposals. This also makes it possible to determine the real scope of the problem and the relationship with relevant parameters of which we must be aware in order to tackle this problem effectively. If the survey is repeated at regular intervals, policy can be adapted accordingly and on time. (A)

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C 30403 [electronic version only]

Brussel, Belgisch Instituut voor de Verkeersveiligheid BIVV, Afdeling Onderzoek en Advies, Programma Verkeersgedrag, 2001, 39 p., 23 ref.; Onderzoeksrapport / D/2001/0779/5

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