High-speed rail system noise assessment.

Hanson, C.E.

This high-speed rail system noise assessment is in two parts: (a) a noise assessment procedure for the environmental impact analysis of high-speed rail systems and (b) a discussion of the noise characteristics of high-speed trains, including conventional steel wheel and steel rail trains and magnetically levitated (maglev) trains. Aerodynamic noise dominates the wayside noise levels at speeds above 150 mph. The result is that maglev and conventional tracked trains can have similar noise levels at high speeds. A procedure for estimating noise impact corridors for high-speed rail is used in an example.

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C 25871 (In: C 25860 S) IRRD 837676

In: Energy and environment 1990 : transportation-induced noise and air pollution, Transportation Research Record TRR 1255, p. 119-121, 8 ref.

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