Highway corridor planning and land acquisition.

Lewis, P. Beusher, J.H. Levin, D.R. Frankland, B. Campb, E.W. Matheny, J.B. Lorens, E.R. Kerian, J.R. & Margetis, N.M.

1. The highway corridor as a concept of design and planning. 2. The highway corridor as a legal concept. 3. Scenic corridors. 4. Coexistence in the highway corridor: a test of intergovernmental mental cooperation. 5. Transportation : system corridors. 6. Acquisition of scenic easements. 7. Valuation of scenic area easements. 8. Valuation of advertising rights. 9. Valuation of problems in roadside areas: junkyards.

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A 215 S

Highway Research Record, 1967. No 166, 76 p.

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