Highway lighting and accidents in Indiana.

Blythe, J.D.

Two methods of aiding the ability to see in traffic and on highways at night are automobile headlights and proper and adequate street and highway lighting. Traffic safety lighting should be installed when needed and in those locations indicated by night traffic accident statistics. Before and after accident results are reported on places where highway traffic safety lighting has been installed in indiana. It is shown that accident reduction savings in dollars per year far overshadow the cost of the lighting program. A five-point program is proposed for traffic safety: (1) strict enforcement of all traffic laws by a full complement of police traffic officers using all available enforcement tools, (2) strict and impartial policy by all courts, with particular emphasis on repeat violators, (3) removal of habitually reckless and dangerous drivers from the streets and highways, (4) increased efforts by all individuals and organizations along every line of safety education and promotion, and (5) continuous application and use of all modern engineering, construction, and traffic facility improvements and tools.

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Highway Research Board Bulletin. 1957. No 146, pp 1-7, 1 tab

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