Highway robbery : social costs of hazardous materials incidents on the capital beltway.

Glickman, T.S. MaCauley, M.K. & Portney, P.R.

In the Summer of 1988, three major truck incidents involving hazardous materials occurred on the Capital Beltway in Washington, D.C. The delays that were incurred and the social costs of the incidents, which ran into millions of dollars, are estimated in this paper. The impacts of policy options for reducing such delays and the associated costs are analyzed in the context of the three incidents. (A)

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C 9444 (In: C 9440 S) /72 / IRRD 866002

In: Freight transportation : truck, rail, water, and hazardous materials 1991, Transportation Research Record TRR 1313, p. 27-32, 9 ref.

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