Highway safety analytics and modeling

Techniques and methods for analyzing crash data
Lord, D.; Qin, X.; Geedipally, S.R.

'Highway safety analytics and modeling' comprehensively covers the key elements needed to make effective transportation engineering and policy decisions based on highway safety data analysis in a single. reference. The book includes all aspects of the decision-making process, from collecting and assembling data to developing models and evaluating analysis results. It discusses the challenges of working with crash and naturalistic data, identifies problems and proposes well-researched methods to solve them. Finally, the book examines the nuances associated with safety data analysis and shows how to best use the information to develop countermeasures, policies, and programs to reduce the frequency and severity of traffic crashes.

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XIII + 488
20220233 ST [electronic version only]
Gepubliceerd door
Elsevier, Amsterdam

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