Highway safety evaluation : procedural guide.


This Procedural Guide describes procedures for evaluating highway safety programs and projects. It should be beneficial to State and local engineers and other professionals involved in evaluation. The objectives of this Guide are to describe how to: 1. Select appropriate measures of effectiveness perform evaluations by using either accident measures of hazard reduction. 2. Perform an evaluation of implemented safety improvements to gauge their effectiveness and efficiency and to use the results in recommending improvements for other safety or operational problems. 3. Describe and guide the organisation and management of evaluation process (es) for providing feedback on the effectiveness of safety programs to the planning and implementation components of the Highway Safety Improvement Program. 4. Perform program effectiveness and administrative evaluations. (Author/publisher)

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811615 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1981, 406 p., ref.; FHWA-TS-81-219

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