Highway statistics 2006 : "providing information to address major transportation issues facing the nation".


This publication is the 62nd of an annual series. It presents the 2006 analyzed statistics of general interest on motor fuel, motor vehicles, driver licensing, highway-user taxation, State highway finance, highway mileage, and Federal aid for highways; and 2005 highway finance data for municipalities, counties, townships, and other units of local government. Also included is information on the Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey. This report has been published each year since 1945. (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/ohim/hs06/index.htm

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20091395 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of Highway Policy Information, 2008, Pp.; FHWA-PL-08-018 - ISBN 978-0-16-080512-7

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