Highways through towns. Experiments with through- roads with environmental priority in Denmark.

RÝrbech, J.

In view of the latest observed stagnation in the number of vehicle- kilometres travelled, the limited economic potentialities and the increased opposition to the use of agricultural land or intervention in the recreational areas in cities, there exists a great interest in investigating the possibilities and consequences of inhibiting traffic on the main highways by converting the existing main road into a so- called through- road with environmental priority. This paper documents the proposals for local solutions and experiments at test locations of various examples of through- roads with environmental priority.

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B 29381 (In: B 29371) /72 / IRRD 286205

In: Transportation toward the year 2000. Proceedings of the International Transport Congress, Montreal, Canada, September 23- 27, 1984, p.B51- B65, 4 ref. Volume II: Infrastructure.

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