History of ConnecticutÆs Short-Term Strain Program for Evaluation of Steel Bridges.

Dewolf, J.T. & Culmo, M.P.

Non-destructive strain monitoring has been used for two decades on ConnecticutÆs bridges to supplement visual field inspections. These studies have addressed a wide range of problems, including fatigue cracking in diaphragm connections, cracked secondary connections, main girder cracking, loadratings, over-load conditions, and concerns with movable bridges involving drive mechanisms and counter-weight supports. Monitoring has often shown that repairs are not necessary, and when necessary, the data collected in the monitoring has been used to provide information on how best to design the repair. The monetary benefits from monitoring during the past two decades has saved the State of Connecticut millions of dollars, well below the cost of implementing the monitoring program.

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C 47698 (In: C 45019 DVD) /24 /60 / ITRD E853605

In: Compendium of papers DVD 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2009, 16 p.

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