Hoe leeft de verkeersveiligheidsproblematiek in de Hoeksche Waard ? : meningen van betrokkenen bij overlegorganen aan de hand van een enquête.

Schoon, C.C. & Hendriksen, H.

This report is the third part of a series of reports issued to chart road safety in the Hoeksche Ward and to make an inventory of ideas for the future. The report reflects the results of a road safety questionnaire survey held among members of study groups and collaborating parties involved in road safety in the Hoeksche Ward. Ultimately, 23 questionnaires were filled in (respons of 85%). The survey showed that the collaboration in the various consultative bodies can be qualified as amply sufficient. The Regional Project Group for Road Safety in the Hoeksche Ward (RPV-HW) consultative body has a particularly positive effect on the road safety approach. All respondents reacted positively to an integrated road safety approach and to an integrated infrastructure plan for the entire Hoeksche Ward. The best way to develop this plan is by using existing consultative bodies. Embedding the road safety policies of the involved organisations into other policy areas, however, occurs rarely. The cooperation and its resulting effect can be improved by: (1) tuning the RPV plan of action to that of the Provincial Committee for Road Safety (POV); (2) providing an insight into the relationships between both plans; (3) improving political and administrative support; and (4) by more compulsory decision-making. See also C 8614 and C 8615.


C 8616 [electronic version only] /10 / IRRD 892115

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1997, 29 p., 2 ref.; R-97-13


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