Holistic approach to pedestrian safety : Maunde Street Atteridgeville.

Visser, H. & Coetzee, J.

The City Council of Pretoria identified a need to set up a traffic control plan and road safety plan for Maunde Street in Atteridgeville. Maunde Street is an important east west corridor serving Atteridgeville and carries relative large volumes of vehicles and pedestrians. A business plan was prepared to address especially pedestrian safety in the Metro Area with the objective to reduce pedestrian fatality rates by 30 per cent, over the next five years. Specific problems identified along Maunde Street include a high percentage of accidents happening at night (35 per cent), high vehicle / pedestrian conflict between pedestrians and taxis as well as roadway verges that are not properly developed. Illegal movements by vehicles - vehicles stopping anywhere along the road and in intersections, together with jay walking by pedestrians - were identified as problems. Specific actions were taken during the project to involve the community to identify problems and to assist with the development of solutions. A bus tour through the area (the total section investigated was 3,7 km) was done to allow representatives from the community to show problem areas. The solutions proposed to address the problems consist of the three aspects - engineering, education and enforcement. A range of engineering related physical measures was investigated and recommended, including additional raised pedestrian crossings, providing vertical kerbs around intersections, pedestrian walkways, paving of the complete area surrounding intersections, improved street lighting and additional taxi bays. (Author/publisher)

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C 21142 (In: C 21105 CD-ROM) /82 / ITRD E205745

In: Proceedings of the Conference Road Safety on Three Continents in Pretoria, South Africa, 20-22 September 2000, VTI Konferens 15A, p. 442-453

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